분류 전체보기(456)
🟢 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 83 - 토르냐크
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 83 - 토르냐크 83. Tornjak 토르냐크 • Average Price: $800* • Country of Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia 평균 가격: $800* 원산지: 보스니아 헤르체고비나, 크로아티아 The Tornjak is also called the Bosnian Shepherd Dog. It is native to Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has been around since the eleventh century, according to historians who unearthed ancient documents that referenced the large mountain do..
2022.10.22 -
🟠 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 43 - 아기 바다코끼리
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 43 - 아기 바다코끼리 43. Baby Walrus 아기 바다코끼리 The large flippered marine animal is just as adorable as the other baby animals on this list when it is young. These animals can grow to be quite large as adults. In the Pacific, an adult male walrus can weigh over 2,000 kilograms (4,400 pounds). Walruses spend most of their lives on the sea ice, looking for benthic bivalve mollusks to eat. The..
2022.10.22 -
🔴 기괴한 동물들 18 - 헤이케가니 게
■ 기괴한 동물들 18 - 헤이케가니 게 18. Heikegani Crab 헤이케가니 게 We've already established that some of the weirdest crabs tend to hail from Japan, and the Heikegani is no exception. This crab is known for its shell, which tends to resemble a human face, often being compared to that of an angry samurai. This feature gave the Heikegani a nickname many centuries ago which still follows it to this day — the Samur..
2022.10.22 -
🟢 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 82 - 리틀 라이언 독
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 82 - 리틀 라이언 독 82. Little Lion Dog 리틀 라이언 독 • Average Price: $8,000* • Country of Origin: Germany 평균 가격: $8,000* 원산지: 독일 Known as Lowchen in German, which translates to “Little Lion Dog”, this beloved dog has been around for half a millennium. For the past five hundred years, it has lived among Europeans as a companion. It was, at one point, the rarest dog in the world before losi..
2022.10.21 -
🟠 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 42 - 아기 복어
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 42 - 아기 복어 42. Baby Puffer Fish 아기 복어 Pufferfish are among the most poisonous vertebrates on the planet, with most of their species being toxic. To keep predators at bay, this fish has some unique natural defenses. It can use its tail for a quick evasive burst of speed to get away from danger, and if that fails, it can fill its elastic stomach with water (or air if it’s not in the w..
2022.10.21 -
🔴 기괴한 동물들 17 - 스타게이저 피쉬
■ 기괴한 동물들 17 - 스타게이저 피쉬 17. Stargazer Fish 스타게이저 피쉬 The stargazer fish can be instantly recognized for having one of the most dissatisfied expressions ever seen on a living creature. This grumpy sea creature has often been cited as "The Meanest Thing In Creation", which is evidently clear when you stare at it for even one second. Stargazer 물고기는 살아있는 생물에서 볼 수 있는 가장 불만족스러운 표정 중 하나를 가진 것으로 즉시 알아볼 수..