분류 전체보기(456)
🔴 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 81 - 코몬도르
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 81 - 코몬도르 81. Komondor 코몬도르 • Average Price: $1,000* • Country of Origin: Hungarian 평균 가격: $1,000* 원산지: 헝가리 Originating in Hungary, the Komondor is a large breed of dog. Males can weigh up to 130 pounds and they have white, corded coats. The Komondor is not hypoallergenic, and it has a life span ranging from ten to twelve years. The Komondor is fearless and affectionate. It is so..
2022.10.19 -
🟣 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 41 - 아기 문어
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 41 - 아기 문어 41. Baby Octopus 아기 문어 Octopuses are brilliant creatures with the ability to change their shape. Can you believe how tiny they are when they’re babies? This little guy is perched on the tip of someone’s finger, giving him a larger-than-life appearance. Octopuses can be found in various environments, including coral reefs, pelagic waters, and the seafloor. To protect thems..
2022.10.19 -
🟠 기괴한 동물들 16 - 핑크 페어리 아르마딜로
■ 기괴한 동물들 16 - 핑크 페어리 아르마딜로 16. Pink Fairy Armadillo 핑크 페어리 아르마딜로 Some people say that Armadillos are extremely adorable, while others think of them as rats with armor. Either way, the pink fairy armadillo is probably one of the cuter versions of the species, and only grows up to 5 inches long. This little guy likes to live underground and uses a little biological trick to keep itself warm. 어떤 사..
2022.10.19 -
🟠 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 80 - 시바 이누
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 80 - 시바 이누 80. Shiba Inu 시바 이누 • Average Price: $2,500* • Country of Origin: Japan 평균 가격: $2,500* 원산지: 일본 The Shiba Inu is a medium-sized hunting dog that originated in Japan. It is part of the six breeds of spitz dogs that are native to Japan, with the Shiba being the smallest of these breeds. The life expectancy of a Shiba is between twelve and fifteen years. Males can reach up..
2022.10.18 -
🟢 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 15 - 아기 개미핥기
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 40 - 아기 개미핥기 40. Baby Anteater 아기 개미핥기 The term “anteater” refers to the four extant mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua. The literal meaning of the word is “worm tongue,” which explains how anteaters eat. Ants and termites are their favorite foods. They’re related to sloths and armadillos; it turns out! When you see how they look, it makes sense. The three animals have a lot..
2022.10.18 -
🔴 기괴한 동물들 15 - 그레이터 세이지 뇌조
■ 기괴한 동물들 15 - 그레이터 세이지 뇌조 15. Greater Sage-Grouse 그레이터 세이지 뇌조 The greater sage-grouse is a unique bird found in western North America. It got its name from having large, white, beard-like feathers and a general exotic appearance of wisdom. The bird uses its two large air sacs to attract females, by inflating them and making weird popping sounds. 큰 세이지 뇌조는 북미 서부에서 발견되는 독특한 새입니다. 그들은 크고 흰색이며 수염 같..