분류 전체보기(456)
🟢 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 91 - 댄디 딘몬트 테리어
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 91 - 댄디 딘몬트 테리어 91. Dandie Dinmont Terrier 댄디 딘몬트 테리어 • Average Price: $1,400* • Country of Origin: Scotland 평균 가격: $1,400* 원산지: 스코틀랜드 The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small breed of dog that can trace its origins back to Scotland. Males weigh between eighteen and twenty-four pounds, making them the size of a rather large cat. The breed has a distinguished body shape—long torso an..
2022.11.03 -
🟡 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 51 - 아기 천산갑
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 51 - 아기 천산갑 51. Baby Pangolin 아기 천산갑 A Pangolin can be recognized by its thick grey skin that looks like a shell. The animal that can be found in Africa and Asia is a mammal that is usually between 500-200 cm long and mostly lives off little insects like termites and ants. The Pangolins are rather unknown animals, but just look how cute they are! 천산갑은 껍질처럼 보이는 두꺼운 회색 표피로 알아볼 수 있습니다...
2022.11.03 -
🔴 기괴한 동물들 26 - 아프리카 발톱 개구리
■ 기괴한 동물들 26 - 아프리카 발톱 개구리 26. African Clawed Frog 아프리카 발톱 개구리 The African clawed frog is a unique species of frog, mostly due to the three smooth, short claws it has on each hind foot. It uses these claws to tear apart its food, which is quite useful when you can't use a fork and knife. You can find them in Sub-Saharan Africa, specifically Nigeria and Sudan, where they spend most of their time ..
2022.11.03 -
🟡 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 50 - 아기 이스턴 쿠올
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 50 - 아기 이스턴 쿠올 50. Baby Eastern Quoll 아기 이스턴 쿠올 Have you ever heard of the Eastern Quoll? The picture you see is a baby eastern quoll and is mostly found in Tasmania and Australia. For a long time, the Eastern Quoll was feared of being extinct, but in 2016 they were found again in Australia. The Eastern Quoll is a very loving and super cute animal! 이스턴 쿠올(Eastern Quoll)에 대해 들어본 적이 있..
2022.11.02 -
🟢 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 90 - 컬리 코티드 리트리버
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 90 - 컬리 코티드 리트리버 90. Curly Coated Retriever 컬리 코티드 리트리버 • Average Price: $1,500* • Country of Origin: UK/England 평균 가격: $1,500* 원산지: 영국/잉글랜드 The Curly-Coated Retriever looks somewhat like a retriever crossed with a poodle, but it is distinctively its own breed. As evidenced by the name, its signature feature is its curly coat, which comes in black or liver coloring. The Curly-Coa..
2022.11.02 -
🔴 기괴한 동물들 25 - 호친
■ 기괴한 동물들 25 - 호친 25. Hoatzin 호친 The Hoatzin is one of the weirder birds on our list and managed to accumulate a respectable list of nicknames, including the reptile bird, the skunk bird, and even the stinkbird. This bird reaches up to 26 inches in length and has a unique feather structure on its head that makes it look like a teenager on a first date. Hoatzin은 우리 목록에 있는 좀더 이상한 새 중 하나이며 파충류 새, 스..