분류 전체보기(456)
🟢 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 60 - 아기 콜루고
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 60 - 아기 콜루고 60. Baby Colugo 아기 콜루고 When you look at a Colugo, the first thing that you see is their big eyes. The Colugo might seem small, but he is one of the best gliders out there and they can easily glide hundreds of meters to get from one tree to the other. The flying lemur, as the Colugo is also called, is also very popular because of his cute look. Colugo를 볼 때 가장 먼저 보는 것은 큰 눈..
2022.11.15 -
🔴 기괴한 동물들 35 - 보라색 개구리
■ 기괴한 동물들 35 - 보라색 개구리 35. Purple Frog 보라색 개구리 The purple frog, also known as the pig-nosed frog, is definitely one of the weirder frog species out there. It lives mostly in the Western Ghats in India and can be found underground or on the surface during mating season. The purple frog appears extremely bloated and has tiny arms and legs when compared to its large body. 돼지코 개구리라고도 알려진 보라색 개구리는 확실..
2022.11.15 -
🖼 명화 감상 패러디 < 다비드 - 미라의 죽음 >
🖼 명화 감상 패러디 다비드 - 미라의 죽음
2022.11.14 -
🟡 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 99 - 스키퍼케
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 99 - 스키퍼케 99. Schipperke 스키퍼케 • Average Price: $700* • Country of Origin: Belgium 평균 가격: $700* 원산지: 벨기에 If you have vermin in your house or around your property that you don’t want, the Schipperke will take care of that for you. These dogs were bred in Belgium for the sole purpose of hunting vermin. The Schipperke’s breed classification is up for debate, with some believing that ..
2022.11.13 -
🟢 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 59 - 아기 멧돼지
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 59 - 아기 멧돼지 59. Baby Boar 아기 멧돼지 This little guy is a wild boar. The wild boar lives in woods and mountains and can be found in North Africa and Europe. It is very easy for wild boars to adapt to new environments and they are known to be great hunters. Just look at this cute baby boar! 이 꼬마는 멧돼지입니다. 멧돼지는 숲과 산에 서식하며 북아프리카와 유럽에서 볼 수 있습니다. 멧돼지는 새로운 환경에 적응하기가 매우 쉽고 훌륭한 사냥꾼으로 알려져 있습니다. 이..
2022.11.13 -
🔴 기괴한 동물들 34 - 구이아난 Cock-of-the-rock
■ 기괴한 동물들 34 - 구이아난 Cock-of-the-rock 34. Guianan Cock-of-the-rock 구이아난 Cock-of-the-rock If you manage to get past its incredibly confusing look, you'll find that the Guianan cock-of-the-rock is one of the most pristine and beautiful birds to be found in nature. It can be traced to various tropical rainforests and sports a beautiful bright orange color. This bird mostly eats fruits and has been k..