분류 전체보기(456)
🟠 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 105 - 사토
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 105 - 사토 105. Sato 사토 • Average Price: $250* • Country of Origin: Puerto Rico 평균 가격: $250* 원산지: 푸에르토리코 The Sato dog is more of a type of dog, as opposed to an actual classified breed. The name “Sato” derives from a slang word from Puerto Rico, which means “mutt.” The Sato is a mixed-breed that tends to be small to medium-sized. They have large ears and stubby legs. 사토 개는 실제 분류된 품..
2022.11.22 -
🟢 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 65 - 아기 피카
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 65 - 아기 피카 65. Baby Pika 아기 피카 The animal you can see below in the picture is a baby Pika. Pikas can be found in North America and Asia and are similar to mice or hamsters. They eat flowers and often carry around flower bouquets as proviant. The Pika communicates through loud whistling and can be recognized by its short round body. 아래 사진에 보이는 동물은 아기 피카입니다. Pikas는 북미와 아시아에서 볼 수 있으며 쥐..
2022.11.22 -
🔴 기괴한 동물들 40 - 털보 개구리
■ 기괴한 동물들 40 - 털보 개구리 40. Hairy Frog 털보 개구리 When the number one search result for hairy frogs is asking whether these things are real or a joke, you know that you're dealing with a true mystery of nature. These incredibly bizarre frogs mostly come from Central Africa and are also known as Horror frogs and Wolverine frogs. 털보 개구리에 대한 검색 결과 1위가 이것이 진짜인지 농담인지 묻는다면, 당신은 자연의 진정한 신비를 다루고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습..
2022.11.22 -
🖼 명화 감상 패러디 < 라파엘로 - 성모자상 >
🖼 명화 감상 패러디 라파엘로 - 성모자상
2022.11.22 -
🟠 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 104 - 슬로이
■ 이쁜 댕댕이 종류와 가격 104 - 슬로이 104. Sloughi 슬로이 • Average Price: $1,000* • Country of Origin: Northern Africa 평균 가격: $1,000* 원산지: 북아프리카 The Sloughi is one of the oldest dog breeds on this list. This dog is also known as the Arabian Greyhound, and it is used to hunt desert game, including foxes, hares, gazelle, wild pigs, and jackals. The Sloughi originated in Northern Africa, though it is primarily f..
2022.11.21 -
🟢 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 39 - 아기 클립스프링거
■ 이쁜 아기새끼동물들 64 - 아기 클립스프링거 64. Baby Klipspringer 아기 클립스프링거 Have you ever heard of the Klipspringer? The Klipspringer sleeps most of the day and night and is only active a few hours during mid-day. Its fur is red, brown, grey, and black and it has big eyes and pointy ears. With the age, the Klipspringer gets spiky horns with he uses to protect himself and fight off predators. 클립스프링거라고 들어보셨나요? 클립..